Artistic Direction in a nonprofit art organization

This is just my quick thought in this morning.  It’s not developed yet, but I put it down.

What is Artistic Direction?

The definition of Artistic Direction is multi-faceted. The force must be conducted through a philosophy which integrates many areas of knowledge and experience. Both integration of all and richness of the each area of knowledge and experience are necessary. When an organization lacks either integration or any area of knowledge and experience, it starts losing its balance to perform the mission, and art loses its position in the organization’s priority.

Artistic Direction requires the knowledge and experience in these areas.

1. Fine Art
This is one of the most complicated often illogical and highly personalized value. Also it requires broader experience in different art environments, scenes and contexts. Knowledge and personal experience on Developmental Stages of an Artist is essential.

2. Art History / History
Historical placement of Art/Artist for the future vision of it

3. Art Criticism
Contextualization of Art/Artist

4. Technology
Technology for practical production and its conceptual influence

5. Visual / Media Theory
Visual elements as language of culture

6. Cultural Theory
Demographics and interrelation of cultural activities.

–POINTS of Artistic Direction–

What kind of art/artist to be supported

  • What a great art/artist is.
  • What an exciting art/artist is.
  • Art/artist expected (by a particular group of audience)
  • What art/artist has been represented.
  • The dynamics of/between different areas of art scenes (academic, commercial, national, international, local, social, educational, etc.)

How to support Art/Artist

  • What kind of programs needed for Art/Artist
  • How the programs serve Art/Artist
  • The characters and uniqueness of the programs
  • The variations in programs depending on the developmental stages of artists (age, artistic development, etc.)
  • The kinds of technology and instructions provided for the sake of both the development of culture and the need of artists

The kind of Art/Artist serves its community actively and effectively

  • What the role of art/artists is in the surrounding community/society
  • How do we present art/artist effectively to bridge the art world and its society

How Publications function by the visual design

  • How a visual element represents the organization
  • How to change visual elements depending on particular ways to convey a message to particular groups of targeted audience
  • Cultural connotations of visual elements (pictures, fonts, layouts)

How different areas of arts (visual, performance, music, etc.) interrelate, influence and collaborate with each other.

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