What Artists Need

I made a list of what artists need. If I were not working for a non-profit art organization, I wouldn’t write such things. Hmm… well, I possibly would. I am somehow so good at coming up with a pseudo theory for anything. It’s always just a quick thought and I normally do not have patience to develop it more into a real theory… Hahaha. That’s not good. Anyway.

What Artists Need
1. Housing
2. Money
3. Studio Space
4. Time
5. Technology
6. Technical Training
7. Art Career Development Skills
8. Exposure/Presentation
9. Recognition

  • Bibliography
  • More presentation opportunities
  • Awards
  • Sales

10. Influences / Learning

  • other fields of culture
  • artworks
  • various field of study (Humanities, Social and Natural Sciences)
  • ideas of other artists

11. Experience of different cultures (traveling, meeting)
12. Sense of belonging to a community

Working for a non-profit art organization, I want to keep myself stay conscious of which areas of the list we provide services for or, otherwise, we are missing of.

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